FAFSA Mtg/Workshop in Library from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
about 1 month ago, Fairfax R-III
If you are looking for a little boost to your ACT test score then check out the Tarkio Tech Act Prep Course.
2 months ago, Fairfax R-III
HOW TO ACT ON THE ACT TEST! We are offering a 4 day course to help students prepare for the upcoming ACT test.  Monday, November 11 - 7:00-8:00 – Intro to taking    ACT test, facts/figures 				         8:00-8:30 - English practice 	 Monday, November 18 - 7:00-8:00 - Math 				          8:00-8:30 - Math practice  Monday, November 25 - 7:00-8:00 - Reading 				           8:00-8:30 - Reading practice  Monday, December 2 - 7:00-8:00 - Science 			   	         8:00-8:30 -Science practice  All classes will be held at Tarkio Tech Institute in the Curnutt Learning Center, 2nd floor classroom.  Cost is $5.00 each night/$20.00 total to help off-set expenses.  Bring water, snacks, pencils and a positive attitude each night.  The 2024 December ACT test is Saturday, December 14!  November 8 is the DEADLINE to sign up for the test in December. February 8, 2025,  is the next testing date. Call, text or email us if you are interested.  Lori and Mark Staten - instructors	 Mark - 660-253-0186; mestaten72@gmail.com Lori - 660-744-3479; loridcstaten83@gmail.com
FX R-III Field Trip on 10/30/24 postponed due to the threat of weather. Make up date TBD.
3 months ago, Jeremy Burright
Wednesdays are Bulldog Pride Day! Wear your Fairfax Green every Wednesday!!!
4 months ago, Caroline Peters