Jr. High/High School
Parent Resources
School Governance
High School Schedules
Parents and Students,
Below is some specific information regarding what a typical day will look like if we have a closure due to Weather and we enact an AMI- Distance Education Day. IF you have technical issues you can email Dr. Burright-
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Burright at the school- 660-686-2851 or email
CLASS ZOOM TIME- 8:15- At 8:15 daily we would expect our Teachers and Students to link up Via Zoom in order to check in and to get lessons, instruction and details for the day. While the Zoom Session will start at the same time each day, the duration of the meeting will be different each day. Teachers will provide their direct instruction and lessons for the day during that session. Once the direct instruction is done, students will be able to sign off and work on their homework for the day. IF students have questions they may message, email or re-zoom meet with the teacher for the duration of the morning in order to get questions answered.
Parents are encouraged to help reach out to teachers with any questions or concerns they may have and to engage as much as they can with their student’s learning!
It is the expectation that all students log into Zoom/Google Meet meetings with teachers each day at the appropriate time.
Teachers will send you ZOOM links to join their classes.
Attendance will be taken daily
Assignments will be given and work will be expected to be turned in either through Email, Google Classroom, Photo Email, Remind, etc.
REMINDER- At any time, we could call for a closure for the next day, so you need to take ANY BOOKS you need home nightly. FOR EXAMPLE- The majority of MATH assignments are done out of the book, so you need to take Math books home nightly for certain.
IF we foresee a closure coming we will send home chromebook devices and chargers with students.
IF the closure is unforeseen, the majority of parents have indicated that they have devices at home that a student could use to access the internet. IF we have a 1 day closure we would ask that you utilize your home device if possible
If you are having technical trouble- email Mr. Barnes.
Students without Wi-Fi or who have IEP’s will be receiving specific information regarding their services.